Completed -
Maintenance was completed as planned, without incident.
Sep 27, 07:12 UTC
Verifying -
We are monitoring the results...
- some requests to `/v2/messages/{message_id}` may failed with 404 during the process.
- small percentage of delays and finalize with delivery unconfirmed status
Sep 27, 06:39 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Sep 27, 03:00 UTC
Update -
Our messaging engineers will be performing maintenance on our ephemeral database server.
Product affected: SMS and MMS outbound
API affected: V1, V2 and SMPP
Region Affected:
- US Central Region
- US East Region
- API: No downtime is expected, regional traffic will redirect to another region.
- Outbound Messages: Small percentage can delay to finalize and end with delivery unconfirmed status.
Sep 26, 05:39 UTC
Scheduled -
Our messaging engineers will be performing maintenance on our ephemeral database server.
Product affected:
- SMS and MMS outbound
API affected:
- V1
- V2
- API: No downtime is expected, regional traffic will redirect to another region.
- Outbound Messages: Small percentage can delay to finalize and finish with "deliver_unconfirmed" status.
Sep 25, 17:52 UTC